Sunday, May 11, 2014

France, eh?

"Welcome to France" is what I heard from the GPS today.

 The trip to the Maginot Line bunker was very interesting.  It doesn't look like much from the outside, but the inside is very impressive.  We got to see the living areas, the hospital area and the kitchen.  There were also a lot of modern art pieces in there.  Though I'm all for art, I think it would have been nicer without it.  Sometimes it was hard to tell if it was art, or something that was supposed to be there.  One piece was especially creepy because the video on the faces of the piece looked very life like (helped that they were dressed in real clothing and the bodies were dimensional) and were repeating something over and over.  One of the faces would then look over at you and you felt like it was really looking at you.
The others mentioned that they could never live down there, I think I could as long as other people were there.  It feels like you would feel very alone down there if you were the only one.
Our second stop was at the Cathédrale de Notre Dame Strasbourg.  Yes, the one in France.  It was giant and awesome.  The huge clock there even chimed while we were in there.
The area was also being very stereotypical France.  Soon after parking we passed a lady sitting on her front stoop drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette.  It rained while we were eating lunch, I felt like we should have been in a café drinking cappuccino.

 I got a very good pizza with creme fresh, cheese, and bacon.  I was the only one to finish my meal.  There was a lot of walking around and it seems I look very trustworthy.  Another tourist group asked if I would take their picture for them.  We did some odd communicating in French, German, and handsigns. (Note here: I only speak a few words of German and French, but none helpful in this situation)

There was not a lot of time for crafting.  I did not bring the shawl with me since it needs a row taken out, but I did get started on the baby blanket.

I got enough done that you can start to see the pattern I am going for on the body.
I think the thing that still hasn't really sunk in is the fact that I woke-up in Germany, rode on a little country street and then spent the rest of the morning in France only to pop back over to Germany.

I do recommend Amadaious if you are in Baden-Baden. 

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