Friday, April 3, 2020

Foundation Day 7: Another Pretty Quiet Day

  The cement set over night and they took the supports down.  Our house is supporting itself again and you almost can't see were the crack used to be.  They have the holes patched in the other room and will probably get to these tomorrow.

  They added some gravel and the grey waffle stuff to help with future moisture.  Bill says that they have more trenching to do, since we are moving where the bathroom will be in the basement.  I'm not sure if this group would be in charge of that or another one.

  These are the odd mirrors that are under our basement stairs.  Bill says that it will be amusing if they survive everything and I pointed out that they are doing pretty well so far.  I still don't understand why they are under there, but I'm willing to go with it.  I know Mr Jag would come visit the kitty he saw in them, he would also meow down to talk with "basment kitty" if he couldn't go visit.

  I had thought that they were just doing work inside, but they also painted on some stuff to help seal the house even more.  Not sure why they didn't manage to get that whole section done, but I assume they know what they are doing.

  Since I've been keeping Tank company I've been stuck for large chunks of the day in one room.  Opening the window helps some, but I decided to go for a walk.  Our mail box flag broke so we can't put outgoing mail in there.  I had to mail something, so I just walked to the post office.  It was so nice out and I am really glad I went out.

  Tank is part puppy, so he likes rolling in smells and dirt.  Because of the rain the other day the workers have had mud on their shoes.  Tank has been enjoying the fact that he can roll around in the dirt in the comfort of his own home.  I try and dust him off as best I can before he gives himself a bath.
  The knitting has been going along pretty nicely.  It is also slowing down because I add eight stitches every other row.  I'm hoping that tomorrow will have some better lighting out so I can try and take a picture of where I am.


  1. Replies
    1. If we left the door cracked he would meow really loudly into the opening then move his head to the side really quickly to listen. It was so funny.
