Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Framing Day 11: Where I Play Animal Crossing Most of the Day

  They finished framing out the small window.  I feel like progress pictures for a bit are going to be slow looking.  It is only two or three guys working and what they are doing now is more fiddly and takes longer to show any progress.

  Bill said he didn't mention about how we are confused about the status of the egress window, but I did hear the two guys talking about the plans.  One asked if the copies they had were the latest ones and if the guy knew if any changes had been made.  It looks like they have now left enough room for the opening of the egress window.
  I'm still not sure when the opening for it is getting cut out but I hope someone does.  That has been in the plans from the start, so it's not like we added it after the fact.

  I didn't notice before the markings before, but these were probably made when the house was first constructed.  I'm not sure why, but I find them to be neat.
  I have made it through all of one repeat of my chart pattern.  However, I also got distracted by playing the new Animal Crossing game.  They give you crafting and have two events going on right now.  Some of my island is a bit messed up because my Switch was set to May 9 and for some reason didn't sync with the internet to fix the day.  I know it confirmed the day with me at one point, but I've lost track of days and didn't notice for a while.  I was tempted to start over, but I like the fruit I got as a starter and I like the neighbors I have.  I don't know how many starting neighbor options there are, but I thought it might take forever to get the exact same combo as I did before.  A few of my achievements will be odd, like how I caught 5 bugs in May, but 10 in April.  I still do wish I had noticed sooner, but I also might not have gotten this combo on my island.  I also now have some of the hard to get event items, so there would be no way to transfer those, since it's saved on my character.

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