Friday, April 10, 2020

A Whole Lot of Day 13: So Many Things Happened

  I was curious if all the sounds from the basement meant that the egress window was also being carved out.  It was really funny to look out the window and see the insulation gently wafting in the breeze.

  I think this was to help with dust.  Not long after they started jackhammering again one of the workers came up and got our attention.  He asked if the central air was on and if we could turn it off so dust doesn't get circulated throughout the whole house.  I had actually just thought of that and turned it off, but it was still really nice.

  They did the trenching we were wondering about.  It was pretty intense.  The whole house was vibrating.  I could even feel it two floors up, but it was really odd feeling in the kitchen.  It's not every day that your feet vibrate when you are making lunch.
  We also got to go a few hours without water today.  It wasn't too bad at first, but they needed to get something, so the time without running water was longer than first anticipated.  It all worked out in the end though.

  This is a giant mess, but it needed to have been done.  They still have not carved out the egress window.  When looking at the wall and the actual backer for it, it looks a lot bigger than I was first picturing.  It will be interesting to see how it all looks once they are done with it.  I'm sure it will look cool and let in lots of light.
  Bill closed the door around 8AM this morning and it was a good idea.  When the workers knocked on the door Tank growled and ran at the bedroom door.  It's so strange how he is thrown off every morning by the people showing up, even though if the same people were just coming over to hang out he would be loving it.  Though once the scary sounds happen he just curls up and takes a nap or two.  He eats fine and doesn't hide, even when the whole house is loud and vibrating.  I wish I could ask him about how he feels about the whole thing.  I think it would be really interesting.
  I'm questioning my chart now.  I have the decreases on the outside of the repeats, near the spine increases.  It looks really cool at the point of the color change, but I'm not sure if I will like that same effect on the bottom, or if I want it to just look more like smooth ripples.  I can have people finish on a row near the end of the chart to make that happen.  So instead of ending after you finish the chart, you will finish on row 30 out of 36.  I'm pretty far from being totally done, so I will see how I feel once I get there, I still have to decide if I'm switching back to the first color too.  So many things to mull over.

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