Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Pesto Party and Some Eye Stuff!

   My mom saw a listing online for some basil and sent me to go and get it.  I thought I was going to get a bundle, but I got a whole large bag of it.  The pesto I made is really good, I changed the recipe some, like using cashews instead of pine nuts and adding a bit of lemon.  I might have to make this more, though it is alarming how many leaves go into it and how little pesto you get out of it.

  Since I've made a few batches of themed Worry Worms, I was thinking I could possibly make some to sell online.  I don't know if that is against any "rules" out there about them, but I've changed the pattern a few times, so I've made it my own.  I've also seen many other people selling them online.  Since my favorite one is the one with three "ears" on each side of it's head, I'm thinking of focusing on those to sell.  I'm going to call them either Axolotl Worms or Axolotl Worry Worms.  I was thinking of making about nine in each color, with different eye options.  If they get really popular I could start making more in each color.  If they never catch on, then I can throw them into the donation bag.

  Shane had been having some eye problems after a dog he was watching licked his eye.  The first doctor thought it was a lower retina detachment, so we hurried to Tysons to see a retina specialist.  Turns out it was scar tissue and some stuff floating around in there.  It was apparently interesting enough that they called other people in to take a look.
  We then headed to DC for them to take a sample of eye juice and inject something.  They wanted make sure there is no infection or anything else super bad.  They think it might be uveitis.  There was also a "quick" chest x-ray before they let him go, about a mere five hours after we got there.

  His eye was already doing better once he woke up.  We got to the appointment the next day early, so we went to Sophia's deli for breakfast/brunch, they had good sandwiches.  The usual numbing and dilating happened before some pictures were taken.  During our visit we got to sit in a variety of colors of chair which meant different things.  The final room of the day had various lights on the wall by the door which let the doctor know which one to go to next and which rooms were vacant.  I got to see an eye ultrasound happen.
  We were told to come back the next day.  Vision was about the same as the day before.  So far all the tests have come back negative, but still no PCR from the sample they took.  She thinks everything looks about the same and he doesn't have to come back in to see her until next Wednesday.  It's good to hear "stay the course" when the course is medicine and not surgeries.

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