Monday, September 21, 2020

Shawls, Shawls, Shawls!!!

  Back before Social Distancing I adopted two shawls that someone had started.  They looked easy enough to continue, a three segment shawl with a moss stitch edging.

  The way the yarn over increases were done was in a different way than I would have, but that's fine.  I figured out that the person who started these picked up the yarn between stitches on the knit row instead of yarning over.
  I've been trying to figure out how they started it and have some of it figured out, but not all of it.  I'm also curious if there was supposed to be anything interesting along the bottom, since you can see increase counters on the light pink one.

  So far I've not been able to find the pattern online, so I'm wondering if the person was making it up as they went along.  I also found these notes in the bag with the shawls.  There was also a little stitch sampler, but that doesn't match the notes.  I'm wondering if these were notes about what to do at the bottom or if they were for something unrelated.
  Because of how loose of a gauge the pink shawl is currently knit at, I'm thinking of ripping it back and starting it again.  This will also let me get the pattern a lot easier because I can see what is done on each row instead of trying to pick it apart.  I can then reknit it at a slightly tighter gauge, which I think the person who started them was testing since one was done one US 5s and the other on US 6s.

  I'm happy with how this turned out.  It is based on the Textured Shawl Recipe.  Since it's mostly just a general How-To it is designed to be pretty free form.  Though she did it all in one color, so I discovered something interesting along the way.  She has the texture stitch being worked on the right side and that looks fine and all, but I liked it better when I worked it on the wrong side.  I changed colors on a wrong side, then worked two plain rows.  When I got back to a wrong side row I was able to work the increases from the right side into the pattern and just did a slip, purl, yo, slide slipped stitch over both, which follows the pattern expect that I purled instead of knitted the stitch.  I felt it also moved smoother since you slip stitches purl-wise anyway.
  I've been really getting into shawls with fairly simple patterns which helps me to be able to think about other things while working on them, but doesn't lead to very many updates.  I do have a fun hat pattern floating around in my head and I got the extra bit I needed for it.  Stay tuned for that!  My car is also home safe and sound!

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