Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Back at The Cabin Already

 First trip out:

  The first night was fun, we got in too late to feel like cooking, so we just ate some of the snacks we brought instead.  I found out that the Whippoorwill is my favorite bird.  Their song has a good rhythm and is fun to dance to.  We saw some deer on the road and startled them when we got back from a quick trip to get signal.  Most made it over the fence but two had problems.  We slowly followed them and while the one was looking for a way to get back to their friends, the other took a few bites of grass.  Eventually the one found a point to hop over and the other squeezed through to follow.
  We brought the wrong size of sheet, but were able to find one that worked.  The bed Bill and I used was way too firm for my taste and I had trouble getting to sleep.  The previous owners asked for more time to let everyone get over to get what they wanted, and we weren't sure if they had finished when we got there.
  Once my parents got there the next morning we got them unpacked and went to The Factory Antique Mall.  It was a lot of fun to walk through and I could see going back a few times to see what new things some of the booths may have put out or what new booths have moved in.  I'm considering contacting them about one of the cases to try and sell some things.

  We decided on Rackem Smackem Ribs for late lunch.  I got the fried bologna sandwich because I've tried to make them before but haven't been impressed.  To see how I really feel about them I figured I'd get one from someone who knows what they are doing.  Turns out the thickness of the bologna makes a big difference.
   Since it had rained the tree frogs were really loud and the Whippoorwills didn't come out until later.
  I slept much better the second night on a softer mattress and surprised everyone by having breakfast with them.  Normally I don't eat until lunchtime.

Second Trip out:

  We got a later start than we had planned, but we actually cooked this time when we got in.  I was tasked with finding a colander and while I didn't find one of those, I did find some frogs to take pictures of.  We also figured out that we are going to have to make or get something to block off the tops of the windows if we open them to put the screens in, otherwise bugs can come right in and try to fly into your wine.  I've recently been watching YouTube videos on how to make hand embroidered and beaded moth/bug brooches, and it might be interesting to make some based on the moths and other bugs that come into the cabin.
  It was midnight by the time we got done eating and cleaning up, but we played Doomlings anyway before heading to bed.  I had a lot of fun reading the flavor text on the cards and looking at the cute art.

  We went on a hike to see if we could find the old foundation.  We started by following an ATV trail which got pretty muddy at one point and that wasn't ideal, but we kept going.  At the end of the trail we found a really old tree stand.  Since it would be easier to see things, and we were told the old location had been on top of a ridge, we headed upwards.  I saw a bunch of cool mushrooms and bugs along the way.
  Once on top of the ridge we found a game trail.  It was nice and dry and easy to walk.  At one point there were fallen trees blocking the path, but I the found a bunch of wild succulents behind a tree right off the path there!  I'll need to go back there and grab some.  As we kept going we saw a turkey.  There had been a turkey walking in the side yard early and I wondered if it might have been the same one.
  As we kept going we found a lot of cacti.  I would have to thought that it would get too cold for them, but they were growing nicely and a few were either going to flower or grow fruit.  I ended up with some of their pokers in my finger and had to use some blue tape to get them off.
  We ended up finding the old foundation and it is pretty close to the road. We had been told that it was easy to walk to, and it probably was at one point, but it's overgrown currently.  I think it would be really fun to make it easily accessible again.
  After that we went to the gas station and Family Dollar to get supplies for less fun things.  We did a quick stop in to check out Riverside Grocery.  I don't think I'd call that a grocery store, especially since the Family Dollar felt more like a grocery store.  I cleaned out some of the mouse nests in drawers while Bill played with the mower.  Bill had to get the biggest nest because it was too high up and too far back for me to reach.
  Before we left Bill was taking some pictures and found a bee hive inside of the tree that I like the most.  Hopefully it isn't too harmful to the tree.  We said hello to some of the neighbor's cows who came over to the fence when we stopped.  On this trip we also discover that one of the other cabins in the area is called Lonesome Dove.

  We have a five star island (cabin).  If you have been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons then you know that these only grow when you have a top rated island.  I have no idea how it got between the porch and the step, but I'm going to have to figure out how to get in there to move it and where to move it to.  It was a shorter trip this time, but I'm looking forward to heading out there again before too long.

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