Saturday, January 6, 2018

What happened?

  I bet you noticed that this year came to an end differently than previous years.  There were no posts about me frantically trying to finish as many things as I could to get them in before the end.  The End Of The Year recap was even late getting posted!  So let me tell you what all happened.

  First of all, I got sick.  Not sure what it was.  It could have been the flu, food poisoning, a stomach bug, or someone sneezed too close to me.  Either way, I was totally out of commission for a bit.  I rung in the new year with Saltines and Green Apple Gatorade.
  Not too long after I started to feel better we got a set of bookcases from my friend.  She has since moved out of the state and her mother isn't allowing her to throw them out.  Since I had not touched the living room at all, we had to do some re-organizing to get them in.
  I also fell really far behind in work.  I had scheduled my days out to get as much done as I could.  Sleeping all day puts a damper on that.  I've still not caught up all the way, but some changes we have implemented will make doing that be a lot easier. 

  If nothing else, I have found a home for all of these.  I tried selling them, but no one was really interested.  I hadn't thought they would be, but it didn't hurt to try.  54 back issues of popular comics isn't really something people are looking for.
  Second Story told me they would take them, but not until after Jan 4th.  Today is the 6th, so I think it will be fine.  They also won't go straight there.  I'm giving them to Andrea (the one who takes the pictures) since she makes more trips than I do.  It makes more sense that if she is already going that she take them.  Gives me more time to see if I remember how to knit.

  I know it hasn't really been long enough for me to forget, it just feels like it.  I even finished another hat on December 25th that never got a mention.  It was going to be the first on my post about getting things done last minute.  Hopefully I can get a good picture of it before I hand it off and forget to.

  Along with getting shelves to organize some of the things we have, Bill has been trying to be more active in getting rid of some of the stuff we have gathered that we don't really need.  As much fun as it is to have 100 Amazon Prime boxes laying around, most are too small for Tank to enjoy.  While trying to figure out what to do with them, besides break them down and put them in the recycle bin, we found Give Back Box.  It is such a cool idea!
  So many people have Amazon boxes laying around and I'm sure there are people with items they would like to donate, but don't have a center that is easy to get to.  This solves both problems.