Wednesday, August 12, 2020


  We had had a bit of water coming in from the recent rain storms, but nothing too bad.  Today however, it got bad.  Zoom in on the window if you dare.

  This is the after.  The rain even lightened up for this picture, how nice of it.
  Let me tell you about the middle part now.  I saw the water coming in the window, snapped a picture, threw a bunch of towels on the floor, and ran out with no idea what to do.  That small piece of wood wasn't long enough to fit on the metal semi-circle, so with all the heavy rain, it fell in and brought the tarp in with it.  This caused the tarp to funnel water in.  I got it mostly covered and ran inside for a bucket.  By the time I was back out it had caved in again, so I got to bailing.  I got about 12 or so bucket's full out of it and started trying to cover it again.
  I tried to put the tarp over the top and the wood to hold it down, but since the tarp doesn't have any structure, it kept caving in.  I got it to mostly stay with the two longer skinny pieces of wood under and the shorter one on top, but since part of the tarp wasn't bein supported it partially caved in again before too long.
  This time I grabbed one of Bill's extra pieces of wood that was already warped and slapped that down.  I then put one of the skinnier pieces down to help cover more of the opening.  I scrunched the tarp against the house and put the second skinny piece on top.  Since there was a tiny bit of tarp without wood under it I put the smaller piece on to help defect the rain.  After I went in and changed my cloths again (I changed before I got the bucket so I wouldn't drip all over the house) I used the towels to get more water up and set up our box fan.
  By the time I went out to get a picture the rain had let up and the pooling waters had started to recede.  The section of ground had about seven inches of water before this that I had to stand in.  While I do admit that there was a lot of whining involved, I think I did pretty well at handling everything.  I did call Bill about it at one point and told him what was going on with the water in a way that probably made it sound like there were no spaces in-between my words, but it was okay in the end.

  In much softer and nicer news, I started the second blanket for the basement!  It is a crochet corner to corner and I'm going to follow the Three Mandala Thrill pattern to make it a rectangle.  Hopefully I will have enough yarn, and if I don't then I'll figure it out.  I'm not used to making things that I know I'll keep and want to have be certain dimensions.  Usually I just wing it with what I have and call that good enough.

1 comment:

  1. Your contractor will make this water situation and damage right, I assume.
