Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Let's Talk About Tank

   When we got back from the cabin, Tank did his usual thing.  He had to potty and I told him he did a good job.  Later I noticed he was cleaning his butt, but instead of doing it once, he kept doing it.  I thought maybe he needed help and tried to help him out.  That stopped the cleaning for a bit, but then he started back up again.
  The next morning I noticed a bald spot from all of his cleaning and a small lump.  I called the vet and got a same-day appointment.  By the time we got there the lump was bigger.
  Turns out his gland got an infection.  She tried to alleviate his discomfort while he was awake, but it was too severe.  He got sedated, or a "forced nap" as I call it.  They sent me home with a cone.  This is the first time I've seen Tank with a cone on.  They suggested I get one of the "toast" ones, and even though I ordered one, he still had to go the night with the clear one.
  He didn't like the fact that it pushed down on his head when he walked, so there was a lot of backing up and sitting still.  I saw him trying to lick and saw the cone do it's job.
  They told me to keep him from stairs and jumping until the sedation completely wore off, so the baby gate helped with that a lot.
  He got used to the cone pretty quickly.  He still needs to get used to a bigger turn radius.  He will sometimes get his cone stuck in the stairs, but he has figured out how to lift his head and not fall down the stairs.  He also wanted to jump onto his Attention Post, but I was told to limit his jumping, so I tipped it over.  He then climbed all over it.
  I was nervous about the warm compress I was told to put on his butt.  When I first did it, he was weirded out and tried to get away.  It seems that it felt nice because before too long he started purring.
  The night before his follow-up I heard a loud sound and then Bill say "Ohh, Tank, come back".  When I asked about it later, it turns out that Tank farted loud enough that it scared him and he ran away from it.
  They had to do some more uncomfortable squeezing at his second appointment and he got to keep wearing his donut.  He stress ate two tubes of squeezy treats at the Vet's office.  It wasn't completely good to go, so we had to schedule another follow-up on Valentine's Day.
  He got the clean bill of health on his second follow-up and didn't need to go back.  To help prevent this in the future I was told to add some more fiber to his diet.

Yearly Yarn Tracker:
Yarn In: 0 (0)
Yarn Out: 4 (1)
Total: -4

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Oohhh, We're Halfway There (6 month update)

Week 22:
  She is learning that she can push off things to help her to try and move places.  It isn't the most effective since she needs someone solid behind her.
  Tank brings her so much joy.  One morning Tank was laying on me and Bill brought her over.  She would touch him and then look at Bill.  She had a 'can you believe this?' look on her face.  She will also get the biggest smile when she can see Tank and will try to get over to him.  He's starting to let her touch him more, but still sometimes ends up getting kicked.
  She was taking a nap and I startled her when I walked into her room.  She looked up at me, but lowered her head back down when I told her that she could go back to sleep.
  Her recent Lovevery box is her favorite so far.  She was shown how to use the rotating rainbow twice and get got it down.  She also loved kicked with the jingle socks on.  The tissue box toy wasn't a huge hit as it is currently, but the individual pieces of fabric are a lot of fun.
  The bath is becoming more and more fun.  This time she was fascinated by the water from the showerhead hitting her hand.  She also kept opening her mouth to try and catch some of the water.  The hand towel I use to try and keep her warm was also very delicious.
  We had our first encounter with her looking to us for how to react.  She was sitting on her own, lost her balance and hit her head on the wooden arm of her play mat.  She didn't start crying but looked at me a bit confused.  I said "Oh, you bonked your head!" and laughed about it.  She then smiled and started playing again.
  Some strange foods I have combined recently:
      • Dahi Chutney and banana
      • Raita with spicy pork rinds
  On our way to the cabin she decided to not eat much.  I offered her a full bottle, but it was a struggle to get her to eat most of it.  She then didn't want any of the bottle we made her before bed.  She nursed a little, but not a lot, so no one was surprised when she was really hungry at 6am.
  She thinks it's really funny when you make lip smacking noises at her.  When she was done eating her first dinner on Friday she made the lip smacking noises at me and giggled when I made them back at her.

Week 23:
  I feel like no one wants you about how sharp babies are.  This isn't new to this week, but she's getting more curious.  She grabs for people's phones more and needs to give more things the Scritch-Scratch test.  She saw my open bag of popcorn and wiggled her way to it.  She almost grabbed it and would have gotten popcorn everywhere while chewing on the plastic.  Since she's bigger now, she's also stronger and can dig her nails in a lot more.
  She is checking all the boxes for baby lead weaning:
      • They can sit upright, with minimal to no support from a parent or caregiver.
      • They show an interest in food.
      • They can reach for objects.
      • They can put things in their mouths.
      • Their tongue-thrust reflex is gone or going away. (That means they don’t immediately use their tongue to spit something out of their mouth.)

  We took her on a ride in the UTV.  Since she's been reaching for everything, we had to take some pictures of her trying to drive.  She was kicking and having fun except for the two times I didn't manage to block a small branch or vine well enough and she got whacked with them.  She cried a little and we gave her Parent Kisses to make it all better.  It rained a lot the day before and with the snow melt, it was very wet along the ATV trail/second driveway, so Bill was able to splash through a bunch of puddles.
  When we stopped at Smiley's for ice cream she kept wanting to grab it, but didn't open her mouth when Bill wanted see if she was interested.  While we were there Rapunzel and Cinderella stopped by for some ice cream.
  Miss Spud had a great time both trips to the vet.  When we took Tank in for his bi-yearly checkup there aren't many other animals for her to look at, but when Tank wasn't feeling good and we had to go back, there were.  She got to see dogs of all different sizes.  She was mesmerized by them and kept trying to lean out of her carrier.
  During one of her diaper changes I noticed that she had some milkies on her neck.  I used one of her Boogie Wipes to get it off.  She then gave a good giggle.  She has given little laughs before, but this one was bigger and more hearty.

Week 24:
  She's so interested in eating big people food.  Every time I moved the spoon to eat lunch on Saturday she kept opening her mouth.  I let her try the handle a few times and she was getting it.  I then used my frother on some of her milkies and cleaned one of her baby spoons.  She did very well at eating the foam off her spoon.  She would open her mouth so I could put the spoon in and sometimes she would help guide it to her mouth.  A few times she blew raspberries into the foam, but that was pretty funny.
  She's getting much better at rolling and pulling herself places.  There have even been a few times where she has gotten herself into the crawl position, but can't hold it for more than a second.  It's funny to watch her plank and army crawl around.  However, now there is a lot more That's Not For Baby moments.
  On Sunday we went to the Carter's clearance store since she's outgrow a lot of her PJs.  She's also too big for her Newborn insert for her car seat.  There were too many cute things, but we didn't go too crazy.  After shopping and wondering around the Lego store we got a late lunch.  At one point she tried to order herself a blood orange IPA on the tabletop tablet.
  We have been looking to get her a seated activity center.  We found out that the Buy Buy Baby is going out of business, so we got a good price on the.  A lot of the smaller things were already gone and there were no discounts on diapers.
  I put her in her activity center, but she wanted to practice army crawling around.  She tried to pull herself out, but it didn't work.  She then looked at me with the saddest look on her face and started crying at me.  I took her out and she was instantly better.
  One night Bill gave her night bottle and I was going to put her to sleep with some night milk.  She arched away from me and refused to latch.  I put her into her bassinet and she quietly played with her passifier and kicked for a bit.  She then screeched, so I got her again.  We watched someone crochet a no-sew amigurumi bear for a bit, but she was asleep before the video was done.
  She is showing a lot of signs that she is teething.  She has been chewing on her rubber triangle a lot, or as I call it, her Dorito.  She has also added her Sophie la girafe to the list of things she really likes chewing on currently.
  Because of her activity center she can practice standing and balancing without us.  Some of the time she stands in her tip-toes, but she also does it flat footed.

Week 25: Katsucon
  The night before we went to the con we heard about a water pipe/sprinkler that had burst in Artist Alley.  On Saturday The Gaylord reported that the leak was from a kitchen pipe.  The artist Hua.Xuann was the one right under the kitchen leak but Hibiscus Stitch was also affected.  It sounds like a lot of people jumped in to help move things out of the way.  I'm hoping they didn't lose too much due to damage.
  Parking was a nightmare.  One guy tried to pull into a garage towards one of the exits, even though someone was standing by the entrance saying it was full.  He then tried to drive up to the cone blocking the entrance and the guy had to tell him again that the garage was full.  I think this is the worst I've ever seen the parking situation to be.  We ended up parking at the MGM Casino and taking the shuttle.
  After the Lolita 301 panel she was chewing on my thumb and I felt a corner of a tooth!  It was a front lower tooth on the right side.  I tried to show Bill but she kept chewing on my thumb or sticking her tongue out.
  She was a big hit with so many people, even if she wasn't in costume.  She smiled at people when she was awake.  She slept through about half of the Dealer's Room.  I was hoping we would all run into Rachel Maksy, but I didn't see her.  Miss Spud did get to see her Auntie Kat again.  She instantly reached for Kat's face, which she doesn't do to everyone.
  She slept so soundly.  I was worried that she was just going to be overwhelmed but I think she had a lot of fun!
  After a quick trip to McKay's Bookstore we went out to lunch.  Since she's been doing so well at sitting up we tried putting her in a highchair.  She did pretty well, she did slump over time.  She got hungry but didn't give clear signs until Bill went to the bathroom and she was screaming for food.  I mixed up a bottle one handed and she was a lot happier.  She also liked looking at the other kids we had been sat near.
  It has been a while since I have gotten some Con Crud.  All I want to do is sleep.  On Wednesday I decided to try and nap when she was taking her second nap of the day.  Lately she has been taking her longest nap on her play mat, so I can't really leave her there alone.  She stayed asleep when I transferred her and I decided to try and nap myself.  She didn't wake up the second I laid down, like she has before.  She fussed once, but was quiet otherwise.  When I woke up she was quietly playing in her crib.  She let me sleep for three hours!  This is the first time I've napped when she has, and it was quite nice.
  I'm not sure when it started, but she has a new habit of kicking her diaper with her right heel.  She has also changed her rolling tactics from using her legs in the air to arching her back.

Week 26: 1st Part
  In the mornings, Bill has been putting Miss Spud in the big bed with us so we can hang out some.  She has fun trying to eat the blankets and get ahold of Tank.  It's funny to hear both her and Bill making pterodactyl sounds.
  At her 6 month appointment she was: 13lbs 11oz (10th percentile), 16.5in head circumference (43rd percentile), and 2ft 2.8" tall (83rd percentile)
  The doctor complimented her on how strong she was and commented that we should take a picture of how well she was planking.  We mentioned that she has been doing that for months now.  We've heard "babies that age just don't do that yet/so well yet" so many times.
  We got some feeding suggestions, so after board game night we decided to give her some Happy Baby pears.  She wasn't too sure of what to make of it at first, but went along with it.  She might have been more interested in eating the straps of her highchair or the paper towel, but she ate a good part of the tablespoon of food we gave her.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Big Twist Party: Is It The Worst or Is It The Best?

Big Twist Party

Overall ratings: 4.7/5 from 231 votes (Jo-Ann) -  4.3/5 from 72 (Ravelry)
Average Cost: $6.99

Pattern: Interstice Beanie by Weaving Wonder \ Alex Burdo - Color: Succulent - Needle: US 8
  Everywhere I looked said that this yarn was discontinued, which is another argument to use your yarn and not to wait so long.  I bought it a little bit over two years ago at this point, it's good that I didn't end up needing more of it.
Nice Stitch Definition/Pretty Colors
This yarn is very pretty but can be difficult to work with. The first row is very hard to get through, but gets easier as you go along. I am making a patchwork table runner and dish towels out of it. It has an odd feel. It feels more like cotton than acrylic, so much so that I'm wondering if it was mislabeled and that's why it was discounted so low. I really wouldn't want to make any garment out of it because of the weird texture. It does have the tendency to split, and as I've said, has a cottony feel which makes it lose points in my opinion. Not that easy to work with. Does have beautiful stitch definition and colors. But definitely doesn't deserve 5 stars

~ ChristiLou1982 (7 months ago) 3/5 stars
  I like how each skein gives you an idea of how many you would need to make a scarf, a hat, a sweater, or a blanket.  Of course different stitches will use different amounts of yarn, but it's a good starting point.  Though I was able to find a lot of patterns that only would call for one skein to make a hat with this yarn, so I'm not sure what they are basing it off of.
The colors are truly gorgeous and they work so well with each other for creating color palettes. This is going to be my new Go-To yarn. JOANN'S PLEASE KEEP THIS YARN AS A STAPLE YARN. PLEASE DON'T DISCONTINUE THIS YARN!!!

~ Kris (9 months ago) 5/5 stars
  I think it is so strange that they would discontinue it with such high ratings.  There are some bad reviews, but I haven't seen any yarn without any.
Bring Back Our Party!
I absolutely adore this yarn!! I am so sad that it was discontinued and hope so much that it's brought back in the spring or summer. I love the way this yarn feels. It's not your classic acrylic. The colors are gorgeous and so much fun. They also coordinate beautifully with each other so it's easy to make interesting blankets and garments with a lot of shades that look great together. I am a very experienced crocheter so I got used to using this yarn quickly, but I can see how beginners might have some trouble getting accustomed to the thin threads. Absolutely worth the learning curve. Yes, I recommend this product.

~ TinkerBellStitches (20 days ago) 5/5 stars
Pattern: Side To Side Ribbed Hat by Sally L.M. - Color: Succulent - Hook: 5.5 mm
    In the end it might not matter how we feel about any of the Big Twist yarns since they are going to close 500 of their 800 stores before too long.  The one near my house isn't on the list, but the one I used to work at is.  I had seen more types of Big Twist yarn when I was in their store last, which I thought was interesting.  There is now a good range of colors and even color types.  Their Jelly Bean line really caught my eye.  I considered not even posting this review, but so many people really loved this yarn.
  JoAnn Fabrics' Owings Mills closure follows the chain's recent Chapter 11 bankruptcy announcement on January 15 due to financial and inventory issues.
  The 82-year-old fabric and craft retailer shared its goal to "facilitate a sale process to maximize the value of its business" in a statement earlier this month.
  Gordon Brothers Retail Partners, LLC, which recently purchased hundreds of Big Lots stores, was named as the "stalking horse" bidder to acquire JoAnn Fabrics.
  It is the second time in less than a year that JoAnn Fabrics has filed for Chapter 11, having previously filed for bankruptcy in March 2024.
  During the first filing, the crafts store cited a drop in sales following a pandemic-era boom in hobby spending.
  The company reached an agreement with creditors to eliminate $505 million in debt and keep its hundreds of stores open.
  JoAnn emerged from bankruptcy in April 2024 as a private company.

- The U.S. Sun.
  I really liked working with it.  I used a twisted German cast on and I noticed the tail was untwisting itself.  If the working yarn had been doing that, it would have made working with it more troublesome.  The light twist it had did mean that at one point when I was making my slipknot I accidentally pulled one ply a bit too tight and another was too loose.
  It would be pretty sad to see another craft store go.  First we lost Total Crafts, then Hancock Fabrics, A.C. Moore, and now possibly JoAnns.

Friday, January 31, 2025

2025 is the Year of the WIPs and UFOs

Pattern: Ice Bridge Headband by Celeste Knitwear - Yarn: Red Heart Soft in Watercolors - Needle: US 6
  The more I work through my yarn the more I want to keep going.  I have a bunch of of WIPs (work in progress) that keep taunting me.  I also have a large bin of UFOs (unfinished objects) that I haven't touched in so long.  It felt so good to finish that scarf I had hidden away, so I want to keep that going as well.
  Doing that will be a bit tricky, but I have a plan.  The bin with my older WIPs somehow got pushed into a corner of my craft room.  It got pushed because other things got put away in the same area.  I need to clean that area out and reorganize it.  In the meantime, I can start clearing out old project bags I have laying around the living room.

  We went to brunch at Bourbon Boulevard and there was a book club sitting behind us.  I couldn't quite get what book they were reading, but there was a character named Kelly who cooked a lot and there was a detective who may or may not be attractive.  Miss Spud kept trying to get to Bill's Croque Monsieur and his grapefruit mimosa.  He jokingly offered her some of his drink and she went to grab it and opened her mouth.

Pattern: Granny Hex Bucket Hat - Yarn: Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Stripes in Motion Stripes & Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Peace and Love in Groovy Green - Hook: 6.5mm
  Usually when you change colors in crochet you work the last loop of a stitch with the new color.  When working a slip stitch, you only get one to work with, so the whole action is performed using the new color.  It might just be this yarn, but I found my joins getting loose when I did that.  Instead, it worked better to join the round with the old color, work a single chain and tighten the old color before starting the new row.
  I was curious how much yarn these used.  On this one I used 52 grams (92.3 yards) of the green and 58 grams (103 yards) of the pink.  I could have used one less row on the brim.

Yearly Yarn Tracker:
Yarn In: 0 (0)
Yarn Out: 3 (3)
Total: -3

Saturday, January 25, 2025

One Whole Hand's Worth of Spud Snuggles, Month 5

Week 17: First Christmas
  At one point on Christmas Eve, she got very fussy.  She wanted to be able to look around but didn't want to have to work at holding herself up.  I tried to have her use the Boppy to sit on the couch, but she kept wiggling and kicking, so she would slide unless she had something to press against.  I then tried putting her Boppy into her wagon.  It wedged her in enough that she could stay mostly seated without any effort from her but she also could have her legs free to kick.  She ended up taking a supervised nap in it.
  She impressed everyone after we all had dinner.  She got hers once we were all done.  My dad was holding her after he finished feeding her and she let out a burp loud enough that she interrupted everyone.  We all congratulated her on her big burp.
  She has started needed a "smile break" when she is eating sometimes.  She will look up at you and smile, then she goes back to eating.  When she is nursing and needs to take a smile break she will pull herself off and then need to find it again.
  During Christmas dinner she kept eyeing everyone's plate.  She kept smiling and moving her mouth like she was chewing while we were eating. Bill let her smell his wine and she tried to taste the glass.  She got really smiley and leaned in intensely when we got to dessert and she saw Bill's pumpkin pie.
  After dinner we played a fun game where we would put a cloth coaster in front of her on the table.  She then would claw at the table, kick, and try and pounce on it until it got knocked down.  Then we either picked that one up or put a new one down for her.
  She has definitely left the innocent stoneground mustard poops stage and have moved on to the more stinky ones.  They are also a lot smoother in consistency.
  She definitely enjoys having more people around.  She also likes to go places and look around.  All that means she gets more attention, but it also means she doesn't want to nap.  We can fix that with a bit of time on a boob or a trip in the car.

Week 18:
  She has a bad case of the FOMOs (fear of missing out).  She has to be able to see everyone when we are eating and doesn't like laying in her wagon unless she can see someone.
  I attached a towel and a piece of a highchair belt to see how she would like getting pulled around on it.  She kept grunting with frustration when she can't get herself to move on her own, so I figured I could help.  She liked that a few times but then got grumpy.  It's possibly because I wasn't taking her in the directions she wanted to go in.
  One of the nights we all stayed up late playing a game.  Mary helped to get her to sleep but then she woke up when we were finally done and I went to put her in her bassinet.  She somehow stayed asleep going out in the cold.  It didn't take too long before she was out again.
  On New Year's Eve she really liked trying to stand "on her own."  She is getting good at keeping her feet flat and her legs straight.  Balance is nowhere near where it needs to be to hold herself up.  She also liked bracing her butt on the table while putting her feet on someone's legs and trying to stand that way.
  When we got home from the cabin and I laid her down on her playmat, she showed the "other baby" how to blow raspberries.
  She has become more interested in her hands and feet.  She will hold her left hand perpendicular to her face and cross her eyes to look at it.  She has also started wiggling her toes when looking at them and grabbing at her toes to feel them.
  After her 4 month appointment on the 3rd we were in the basement when she wanted to be held against me on her tummy.  She then leaned over, put her mouth on my arm and blew raspberries against my arm.  I know Bill has tried to do that on her tummy a few times.  She smiled really big when I laughed at her and she did it a few more times.

Week 19:
  She is making use of the knowledge that if she holds both of her hands together when she rolls onto her tummy that she won't have one trapped under her.  She will also sometimes fling an arm to the side if she wants to roll back onto her back.  A few times I've seen her roll onto her stomach, reach for a toy, and drag it back towards herself.
  I saw her trying to use blowing raspberries to self sooth.  It was pretty funny to watch her go "Ahh *pbbt* aaahhh *pbbt* aah".
  We took her to Bourbon Boulevard to meet Karin.  I'm glad she was awake for that.  She was a big hit with all the employees we saw.  She helped me pick out what to eat by grabbing at and hitting the menu.  It was hard to tell if she picked the duck or the steak with lobster tail.  I went with the duck breast.
  She is very regularly grabbing and holding onto her own toes.  She is also getting better at sitting but still can't support herself.  She will lean forward and will sometimes hold herself up with one hand, but will lean too far forward when she wants to use that hand and will complain.  She is really good at using her legs to stand.  She has no balance, but is strong enough to hold herself up.
  Her poop is starting to become thicker.  Her doctor told us that we should be seeing her poops condense and happen less frequently.
  On Tuesday she started to figure out that she can roll places.  I put her on her play mat with her legs facing the center of the room.  I went and made a bottle for her and started my lunch.  While mine cooked I took her bottle upstairs to see if she was still hungry.  She had rotated 90° and was on her stomach.  That's fairly normal now.  While putting my drink and her bottle down on the side table she proceeded to roll a few more times in the same direction and was over 2 feet from where she started.  I heard her crinkling the bag to my pretzels.
  She still hasn't figured out crawling, but she is getting better at getting around on her own.  She will roll and rotate to get to a toy, or most of the time roll and rotate until she stumbles upon a toy.
  She will sometimes give us a shy smile.  She will smile and then look away while still smiling.  Starting to practice early to break all those hearts in the future.
  Her raspberries have been getting juicy.  She sometimes has a mouth full of spit and it just all comes out when she blows her raspberries.  She is also trying to combine them with her pterodactyl squeals.

Week 20:
  She has decided that to fall asleep while nursing at night, it has to be on the left side.  During the day it can be either side, but she gets fussy and refuses to eat before her last feeding of the night unless it's from the left side.
  On Bill's birthday we all went to go watch Moana 2 in the theater.  She was mesmerized by it at first, then she enjoyed watching us eat popcorn.  After a bit she also got hungry so I mixed up a bottle.  When it got to the really exciting part of the movie she pooped.  That was fine until she used her diaper again and I felt a warm and wet spot.  The theater doesn't have a place to change her, so I took her out into the hallway.  After a quick diaper and outfit change she was hyper but then fell asleep once Bill was holding her again.
  She is getting closer and closer to being able to sit all on her own.  She is learning that if you put your hands on the ground and push back you won't just fold forward.  It does, however, making reaching for things more difficult.  She has sat on the floor by herself for several seconds multiple times now.
  She's started adding longer strings of sounds when "talking" to us.  She will tell us "a-hoo-who-hua-hoo" a few times a day.
  I thought she had pushed her soft spot in while eating.  She is now as tall as the chair is wide.  I sat her up and her soft spot was visible, I ran my hand over her head and it felt dented on.  I took her into our room to see what Bill thought, but by the time we got down the hallway her head had rounded itself out again.

Week 21:
  As per usual, she charmed everyone at Rocky Horror.  She slept through most of the movie, so she had plenty of energy to smile at everyone backstage and even talked with Mickey for a short while.
  She goes between having days where she is good at napping and days where she doesn't want to nap at all.  I try and give her at least one contact nap because I know she will be out for at least 45 minutes that way.
  Rotating is getting easier for her.  She is still unhappy that she can't crawl forward yet, but the rotating has been helping some.
  She is back to really enjoying bath time.  She has started kicking the water more and bracing herself with her feet on the end of the tub.  She was fascinated when I had the shower head spray onto her hand.
  She is getting more and more interested in food.  She was watching my hand and opening her mouth when she was laying on my lap and I was eating some peanuts.  She is also reaching for our plates and bowls more and trying to put them into her mouth.
  It might have been a coincidence, but after I came back upstairs from making her a bottle she kept fiddling with the area near her hip.  I've been trying to show her to tap her diaper when it needs to be changed.  She did indeed have a full diaper.
  She always gets a huge smile on her face when she sees Tank.  She will look at him and kick to get his attention and show how happy she is to see him.  He is unimpressed with her, but has sat on the arm of the chair when I've fed her and let her touch him a few times.  He will also climb onto the Boppy when she is asleep so he can also get some lap time.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Are We Losing Another One?

  It feels like it wasn't that long ago that we lost AC Moore even though it was back in July 2020.  There was talk that Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts was filing for bankruptcy.  It was also pointed out that AC Moore did the same, but didn't close until they did it multiple times.  The company has been around for such a long time!
In 1943, German immigrants Hilda and Berthold Reich, Sigmund and Mathilda Rohrbach, and Justin and Alma Zimmerman opened the Cleveland Fabric Shop in Cleveland, Ohio. After further expansion, in 1963, the name was changed to Jo-Ann Fabrics. The store's name was created by combining the names of the daughters from both families: Joan and Jacqueline Ann.
  I know I would joke that I would work for another company that went under, like Ink Stop, but I figured it wouldn't actually happen.  I assumed they would get more business because of AC Moore closing and so many people's strong opinions on Hobby Lobby.
Pretty much preparing for shut down. The same company that bought out Big Lots is the only bidder. We have 2 months (March 15th) to find a bigger bidder or else that company will buy and liquidate. Not sure if March 15th will be Joann's last day or not but that's when it'll be purchased by the liquidators.

- manager from one of the stores posted on Reddit
  I recently went in to look for yarn for my Best/Worst series and noticed that they have expanded their house brand of yarn.  A lot of it looked really nice.
  It feels so strange that they could be having money problems because of how popular crochet has become recently.  There are also many big crafting YouTubers who make fairly large orders multiple times a year.  I know a few people won't be able to keep such a large company open on their own.
  I know I would love to join in on the panic buying, but I already have so much yarn.  I'm also not attached enough to any of their house brand yarns that I feel like I really need to stock up.  I wonder if PassioKnit Kelsie will find another place to buy the Juicy Couture yarn she uses for scrunchies.  They are her most popular item.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Granny Stitch Sleeve/Bolero/Cropped Sweater

Yarn: Caron Simply Soft in Plum Perfect - Hook: 6mm (6.5mm for cuff)
  When I was trying to figure it out how many clusters I needed I kept confusing myself on the math.  I did a gauge swatch and figured out about how many clusters I would need for the bottom.  I then figured out how many rounds I would need to do to get it as tall as I would like.  I then tried to apply knitting raglan increase logic to my math and ended up with a totally wrong number.  For a granny square you add one to each side per round, not one per side as you would in knitting that gives a similar increase effect.
  I then was trying to troubleshoot the neck area.  To get the fit I wanted for both the body and the sleeves I would need to start with a wide and shallow opening.  Most of these seem to have that.  I didn't want that look, so I then tried adding some extra stitches when separating the body and the sleeves to keep the sleeve from becoming too big.  I also found out that my gauge swatch lied and I needed to work the math again.
  To work out the pattern I figured out how big I wanted the body and the sleeves to be.  I then figured out how many rows I had to do that in.  I wanted mine to be 13 rows tall to where the arm-pit area would be.  I played around with having the diving row have a chain so that the body could get one more cluster than the sleeve.  I had row 13 have a chain three when joining so that I could add two clusters on row 14 and one between those two on the first row of the sleeves.  I kept ending up with too many on the body that way or having the neck opening be too small.  I took the chain 1 spaces out of the body until I got to the clusters, but left the chain and skip in there for the sleeves.  I may also start the sleeve section of the neck opening a bit larger next time, but I don't want to risk the sleeves becoming way too big.
  If I make another I might have the row start be on the front or corner so I could work some short rows.  I would keep the row start near the center and start and end the row with one stitch in a space, working back and forth instead of all the way around.  I would keep doing that while still working the granny square corners.  That way I could make the back longer while keeping the front shorter.
  I have never worked a crochet ribbed edge before.  I tried a single crochet rib at first, but it didn't sinch it in enough for how I wanted it to.  I then worked a slip stitch rib and it was exactly what I was looking for.  I found marking the front loop of the first stitch of each row was really helpful.  By the time you get back to it, they seem to always have tightened up and you can use the marker to pull the needed loop up some.
    21-13= 8 x3 = 24 (no spaces)
    19-13= 6 x4 =24 -1= 23 (with spaces, the last one doesn't get a ch1 on both sides)

Granny Stitch Bolero
Gauge: 3.2 clusters x 8 rows = 4"
  • Foundation single crochet for 94 stitches, join
  • Single crochet one row
  • 12 dc, (3 dc, ch1, skip 1)x5, 3 dc, ch 2, 24 dc, (3 dc, ch1, skip 1)x5, 3 dc, ch 2, 12 dc
  • For the body add a cluster between each 3 dc, and add a granny cluster in every ch1 space on the sleeves, and a corner in the ch 2 spaces
  • Continue as you would for a normal granny square for 10 more rows
  • On last row separate the body and sleeves by working on cluster in the corner, chain 1, then add a cluster in the next corner
  • One additional round for the body before working three rounds of single crochet 
  • Join the yarn in one of the ch2 spaces for the sleeve
  • Turning every row work a total of 31 rounds
  • Work one more round without the chains between the clusters to start to pull the sleeves in
  • Ch 8 and work  slip stitch ribbing cuff to finish sleeve, repeat for the other side

  I mostly followed the How To Add Crochet Ribbing To A Project by The Snugglery on how to join the cuff once done.  I joined the rib and then slipped into one more stitch before turning my work because I wanted it to really pull in dramatically.
  The back was gaping a bit more than I wanted, so when I added the short rows I did not work a ch1 between the clusters.  That brought it in enough so that it was still loose fitting, but not wavey.
  When working the three rows of single crochet around the bottom of the body I worked two stitches in the double crochets and one in the top of each double crochet.

  If I were to make another one, I think I would make the cuff 10 or 12 stitches wide/long.  I would also consider starting the short rows before the division of the sleeves from the body.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


Here is a quick list of everything I got done in the year of 2024

Crochet: 21
Quick & Easy Granny Stitch Bucket Hat: 1-2, 34, 5
Granny Square Bucket Hat: 1-2, 3-4
Side To Side Ribbed Hat: 1, 2
All in one OCTOPUS: 1-8, 9, 10

Knit: 19
Jason's Cashmere Hat: 1, 2
aMAZEing Dice Hat: 1, 2
Textured Cat Hat: 1-2
Pennyroyal: 1-2, 3
Ruffle Party Hat: 1-3
Lucky Bamboo Hat: 1, 2

Worry Worms:
     1-28, 29-41, 42-69, 70-119, 120-189, 190-316, 317-334

Yearly Yarn Tracker: -13
Yarn In: 24
Yarn Out: 37